Public Maps
Some parts of this map are written in Czech language, sometimes small remarks are written in Czech. Sorry for that, I don't have time to do the appropriate editor work. Basically, these are personal remarks and links.
+ - Bookmarks
+ - Health and physical condition
Very beutiful site
Light is one of the body's most powerful time cues. The rising sun can wake up the brain long before the alarm goes off. A dark room is the most conducive for sleep – day or night
Sudden, loud noises from inside or outside the home can disrupt sleep. Steady, low sounds, such as the whir of a fan or air conditioner, are soothing because they help block out distracting noises.
Be sure your mattress and foundation meet your needs for both comfort and support. If you sleep with a partner, your mattress should also allow you both enough space to move easily.
The ideal bedroom temperature is 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit (16 to 18 degrees Celsius). A room that's too warm or too cool can disrupt comfortable sleep.
Adults need between seven and eight hours of sleep a night – individual needs may range from five to ten hours.
Avg 7-8 hrs
Individual needs 5-10
10 tips
As hard as it may be to put away your "to do" list, make sleep a "priority." You'll thank yourself in the morning.
Keep your biological clock in check by going to bed around the same time each night and waking up close to the same time each morning – even on weekends.
Regular exercise can help relieve daily tension and stress – but don't exercise too close to bedtime or you may have trouble falling asleep
Ovsem nemuzu se zbavit pocitu, ze smysl tohodle situ je prodavat matrace
Existuje mnohem vice technik a mnohem vice detailnich informaci, ktere tihle radoby neziskovci z jakychsi utajenych duvodu neposkytli
Ostatne to zalozili vyrobci matraci.
Keep regular hours. Try to go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time every day. Getting up at the same time is most important. Getting bright light, like the sun, when you get up will also help. Try to go to bed only when you are sleepy. Bright light in the morning at a regular time should help you feel sleepy at the same time every night.
+ - No stimulants
Stay away from stimulants like caffeine. This will help you get deep sleep which is most refreshing. If you take any caffeine, take it in the morning. Avoid all stimulants in the evening, including chocolate, caffeinated sodas, and caffeinated teas. They will delay sleep and increase arousal's during the night.
Use the bed just for sleeping. Avoid watching TV, using laptop computers, or reading in bed. Bright light from these activities and subject matter may inhibit sleep. If it helps to read before sleep make sure you use a very small wattage bulb to read. A 15 watt bulb should be enough.
Avoid bright light around the house before bed. Using dimmer switches in living rooms and bathrooms before bed can be helpful. (Dimmer switches can be set to maximum brightness for morning routines.)
Don't stress if you feel you are not getting enough sleep. It will just make matters worse. Know you will sleep eventually.
Avoid exercise near bedtime.
Don't go to bed hungry. Have a light snack, avoid a heavy meal before bed.
Bedtime routines are helpful for good sleep.
Avoid looking at the clock if you wake up in the middle of the night. It can cause anxiety.
If you can't get to sleep for over 30 minutes, get out of bed and do something boring in dim light till you are sleepy.
Keep your bedroom at comfortable temperature.
If you have problems with noise in your environment you can use a white noise generator. A fan will work.
+ - Alcohol
Know that the "night cap" has a price. Alcohol may help you to get to sleep but it will cause you to wake up throughout the night. You may not notice it. (It is worse if you have sleep apnea because the alcohol makes the apnea worse.) Sometimes people snore only if they have had some alcohol or may snore worse if they already snore.)
If you have a sleeping partner, ask them if they notice any snoring, leg movements and/or pauses in breathing . Take this information and try the sleep test. You may have a sleep disorder or you may just need to increase your awareness about your own sleep need. If you have any concerns see your doctor.
Avoid looking at the clock if you wake up in the middle of the night. It can cause anxiety.
If you can't get to sleep for over 30 minutes, get out of bed and do something boring in dim light till you are sleepy.
If you have problems with noise in your environment you can use a white noise generator. A fan will work.
Reduce alcohol intake before the sleep
I don't have any explanation for that, but this seems to be extremely effective, working almost always.
Yan has adviced me a kind of exercise which is very similar to meditation. You just sit comfortably and think about noting - that is have no thoughts.
Another interesting book
This book describes how to sit in zazen.
It is far from that good as the free yoga book, it contains some obvious misconceptions about science
I personally think there's too few information on zazen practice
Interesting guy, I love the way he writes and thinks!
Sorry, I really love the guy. If don't know if he's kidding, but I love him anyway. He has the Pirsig's look-directly approach. He tried diets himself to learn about them.
Embarrassment. You're constantly reaching for tissues ... or sneezing ... or trying to hide a runny nose.
Sleep difficulties. Nasal stuffiness, headache and general discomfort make it hard for you to fall asleep or stay asleep. This fatigue accounts for a lot of your difficulties.
Distraction. Things and facts just don't "stick" when your mind is on your eyes, nose, and throat.
Not yourself. Your allergies make you feel terrible, so you act poorly.
difficulty socializing. You can't seem to get up the energy to go out with friends.
Absentmindedness. Sometimes your symptoms make it hard to focus, and you find yourself going over and over the same ground.
Lethargy. You just don't seem to care. You have a general sense of discomfort because of your allergy symptoms. You can't concentrate on work when you feel badly, and when you can't concentrate on work, you feel guilty. You feel caught in a vicious cycle.
Getting along. A general feeling of discontent. When allergies kick in, it doesn't take much to set you off. You feel disconnected with no apparent cause, which in reality may be due to allergic rhinitis.
A body substance released by mast cells and basophils during allergic reactions that precipitates allergic symptoms.
Not sure whether or not you have asthma; you're not alone. Many people don't know the symptoms of asthma, or they misinterpret these symptoms. And this is easy to do since many medical conditions mimic asthma like chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
+ - The following symptoms and indications may indicate that you have asthma. You should report any of these symptoms to your doctor because only a doctor can determine whether or not you have asthma.
It's important to keep in mind that the symptoms of asthma can range from a mild cough to the inability to breathe.
When you're choosing a doctor, there are a few things you should consider:
You want someone sympathetic. Respiratory allergies may not be life-threatening, but whomever you see has to understand how debilitating your allergy symptoms can be to you.
Even a seasoned professional often has trouble diagnosing allergies. Because no test is 100% reliable, doctors must rely on the information you give them to diagnose your condition. <b>In other words, what you tell the doctor will make all the difference in correctly identifying your problem.</b>
That's why it's important to come prepared with pertinent information: it can greatly increase your chances of getting a thorough and accurate diagnosis. To help, we've prepared a simple "question and answer" form that you can print out and bring to your doctor's appointment.
But the most effective way to determine whether a person is allergic to a specific substance is with a skin test. To perform the test, a tiny amount of the suspected allergen is placed on or just under the skin, then the reactions are observed.
Different blood tests can determine whether you have allergies and the substances to which you are allergic. One type of blood test measures the total IgE concentration in the blood fluid. The IgE (Immunoglobulin E) is a specific antibody present in allergic reactions. The other type of blood test measures the amounts of specific IgE antibodies in the blood fluid. So if the test shows you have a certain type of IgE antibody in your blood, there's a good chance you are allergic to the related allergen to that antibody. The radioallergosorbent test (RAST), the most popular type of blood test, is an example of this type of test.
If your doctor decides to give you a blood test for allergies, it will take about 2 days to receive the results. <b>Blood tests, like skin tests, can give false positives, meaning that testing positive for an allergen does not necessarily mean you will be sensitive to that substance</b>. They can also give false negatives, missing substances you are allergic to in daily life. Ask your doctor about the accuracy of your results.
For doctors, it's often hard to tell the difference between a cold and allergies because the symptoms of allergies and colds are so similar.
But there are things to look for:
If your throat is sore — it may be a cold. Colds usually begin with a sore throat, or turn into one somewhere along the way.
If you have all your symptoms at once — it may be a cold. Allergy symptoms may develop one at a time. For example, first a runny nose, and then, days later, watery eyes.
If your symptoms last 7-10 days — it may be a cold. Allergy symptoms may linger for much longer. Either that, or they can disappear overnight as soon as you remove yourself from exposure to the allergens.
It may be an allergy if your nose itches, or if your symptoms respond quickly to antihistamines, or (believe it or not) if your throat itches when you eat honeydew melon
Here is a list of the common allergy signs and symptoms
The history is more valuable than tests in determining whether a patient is allergic, and the patient should not be subjected to extensive skin testing unless reasonable clinical evidence of atopy exists.
You can use it as a dictionary.
Contains more detailed information on each topic, not just a definition
Can be compared to Merck, but is much more structured, much more clickable, and directed more toward laic reader.
Because of its high clickability (click to reference a term), it seems to be even more usable than Merck
Contains very beautiful illustrations, even if not for every term
Very good!!
+ - Learning German
There's more to it, than just learning German!
Excellent! It shows clichés about Germans. Watch the videos. They're great!!
These videos make it extremely clear, that being insecure and unsure because of language problems is something one can expect and not be put down by.
But at the same time I want to say, that insecurity it not necessary.
There are online tests, but not interactive. It's completely book-like. It uses new technology in completely old way.
+ - Knowledge management
Very beautiful
Tree browser.
On the other hand, it seems to me that the information hiding is not sufficient
It is nice, but FreeMind is better :-))
I think this is more beautiful than usable. That is, it is more beautiful than mind map but also less usable than mind map.
Fast conclusion. It has pretty high usability.
~ (MindManager International)
~ (Inspiration)
~ (Visimap Software USA)
~ (USA)
~ (Deutschland)
~ (Mindmapper)
~ (MindFinder . deutsch)
~ (MyMap - deutsch)
~ Ygnite Personal - Ygnite Team (englisch)
~ (BrainMaker)
~ (Decision Explorer - Ideas mapping and others)
~ The Brain
~ Creative MindMAP
~ MindManager Smart (vormals eMindmaps)
~ Creative MindMAP
~ SoftNeuron
~ SoftNeuron
~ Brainstorming 101
~ Agora MindMap - Brainstorm
~ MindManager + PersonalBrain (franz.)
~ Mind Mapping Tool
~ MAK Mindmap & Knowledgemanager
~ Mindmap-Programm, das ohne Installation im Internet benutzt werden kann
~ MindTools für Palmtop
~ Mindmap Applet - Java
~ mindmap for psion
~ Project: ThoughtStream
~ Project: Gimini
~ für Pocket-PC's 'Casio', HP Jornada und Compaq iPAQ
There is one guy who makes a lot of confusion by calling some kind of polygonal clustering a concept map.
His usage of the term "concept map" is in minority.
To make a difference, I call his idea "polygonal concept map"
Many people use the term in a slightly different meaning
This is exactly why I am searching for a site with a definition together with presentation and scientific articles
Actually, I don't need to find such a single site, because I glue the sites together.
I include only articles and links which convey my meaning of the word concept mapping.
Not bad resource
But also not very good source. Not a good overview, which is something one does not expect from a site on concept mapping :-))
I did that small research on reference management to see who could compete with FreeMind. Guess what? In its application domain no one.
+ - E-Books
includes many books from Emerson, one from William James, even references from that sloppy Stuart Wilde
From my governor, to be neither of the green nor of the blue party at the games in the Circus, nor a partizan either of the Parmularius or the Scutarius at the gladiators' fights; from him too I learned endurance of labour, and to want little, and to work with my own hands, and not to meddle with other people's affairs, and not to be ready to listen to slander.
I don't follow his geometric reasoning. I find it not instructive, in which opinion I don't differ from the philosophers of enlightment
This miraculous piece says that the statement "Only I can know my pains" is false and employs some very dubious analysis of language to show it.