Home folder

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Revision as of 23:07, 17 November 2010 by Yvyfyjeh (talk | contribs)
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>==User home folder==

Finding out about the user's home folder, in which the folder ".freemind" typically resides:

In Windows: Run DOS console (Windows + R, followed by "cmd"), and type "echo %homepath%". To see the usual path to FreeMind home folder, type "echo %HOMEPATH%\.freemind". A related system variable is %userprofile%. However, Java may determine the value of "user.home" without the use of %homepath% and %userprofile%, relying instead on the location of user desktop as stated in Windows registry. Nevertheless, user desktop is usually located at the path "%homepath%\Desktop", so "echo %HOMEPATH%\.freemind" usually gives the correct location of FreeMind home folder. This is to be researched.

In Linux: Run a console and type "echo $HOME".